Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My chicks and their new chicks!

This last week Gavin and Lyla's Papa surprised them with baby chickens! They were so excited all they wanted to do was watch and hold the chicks! The red colored one is for Gavin and the black one is Lyla's. Everyday the chicks get bigger and faster! Soon they will be hard for the kids to catch.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I just love my sweet little rugrats. They are the joy of my days! That does not go without saying they are the struggle of my days too! What is life without joy and struggle! We are here to learn a thing or two...right?! I attended a Relief Society meeting yesterday that Sister Julie B. Beck spoke at! She was amazing! Full of advice for women of all ages! I, of course, really tuned into the words of advice and comfort for mom's with little babes.She said we need to teach our children to follow the Lord with EXACTNESS and it is my responsibility to teach my children!! I will be making a stronger effort to teach them more about the gospel and just how to be good people! I cannot leave this responsibility to anyone else! I need to try to not waste my time on the extras and just spend more time with my family! I need to help my children to feel secure and loved. I need to learn and grow from my mistakes in raising them and turn to the Lord when I need more guidance! I am thankful to have a husband who loves and adores his children! They will always benefit from that knowledge and the fact that they will always be able to count on him when they are in need! I hope that I won't let them down but I hope they know I am not perfect but that I love them endlessly! My Gavin and Lyla mean the world to me! They are worth every hard minute and every joyful one as well! I LOVE THEM!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

New. New.New.

So I told myself I would never have time to keep something like this up!! But what the heck if you feel out of the loop join them?! So I have a lot to learn I suppose! Someday I would love to have my blog look at cute as some of the others that I have seen! Anyway, it is quiet at my house right now...all moms can appreciate that! I have so many other things I could be doing but here I am! Take care to all! ~Kris